Airchip iOS app

Airchip iOS app

Airchip hired me to make a festival app for the masses. Because of the Covid-19 outbreak their mission came to an early end. Now Daniel van Drunen has picked up is dream again.

Jairo Bambang Oetomo · 1 minute read

Among the challenges for Airchip were bad networks at remote locations. We played with the idea of being an off the grid solution using mesh networking.

We used Core Data to save data and implemented a bluetooth protocol that was shared between iOS and Android.

After a successful ADE launch, the famous pop temple 'Paradiso' worked with Airchip to bring the concept to life.

Hoe did it work? Order and pay drinks or food at your local festival or event from anywhere, be notified when your order is ready and not stand in any waiting queue.

iOS app