Multi Material Unit for 3D printing (ERCF v2)

Multi Material Unit for 3D printing (ERCF v2)

This multi material unit will I hope someday print aesthetically pleasing figures and toys. It's has been a great experience so far. A great shout for the team behind the 'Enraged Rabbit Carrot Feeder'!!

Jairo Bambang Oetomo · 1 minute read

I am currently in the process of building a multi material unit for my 3d printer. Making gray plastic objects is already fun so imagine even more aesthetically pleasing parts or figures!

The plans and the non-printed parts you can order from several resellers, I got a kit from around $100 from Triangle Lab. There is a repository that contains the software (I am not that far yet), the STL's and a pdf manual.

Everything is described with care, until now the build is good, a bit repetitive, because there are 8 material sites that all need to be assembled. But I'm quite pleased at around 75% of the way.

My method involves printing the plastic parts necessary for the current steps, waiting a bit for them to finish and then I assemble, which can be inserting heat set inserts, screwing things together etc etc.

This MMU works by having 8 (in my case) filament holders and a selector with a bowden tube that picks a color and moves that to the extruder. Some software changes will be necessary for my Ender 3 V3 SE (installing Klipper with a raspberry pi).

That's all for part 1 :)

3D printing
Home Fabrication
Multi Color