New prototypes for Bambi Medical

New prototypes for Bambi Medical

I attempted to create a prototype that is both high performant, cost effective and manufacturable.

· 1 minute read

The Bambi Belt Solution is a system capable of ECG and Respiratory rate monitoring wirelessly on babies. In the past I proposed a silicone rubber material as a primary material for the Bambi Belt because of it's no-slip and stretchable properties.

I 3d printed open and closed molds using regular PLA plastic filament. Pouring silicone rubber on these molds is very easy and effective.

My design was a Bambi Belt with three electrode sites and an enclosed channel for each electrode that leads to the sensor module. I tried several approaches:

1. injecting electrode material into a closed mold on top of the lower half of the belt

2. glueing two halves of the belt together creating enclosed channels and then injecting the electrode material

3. using an epidermic needle to carefully drip the electrode material on the lower half of the belt and then glueing the top half over it.

ECG Monitoring