I bought another Canon Eos M camera and created a rig. With this rig I can record stereo images and videos with depth. I'm experimenting with the camera stacked and side by side. I published a few videos on YT already for you to check out. Read on!
I have since being a child been fascinated by stereo images . My dad once bought me one of those patterned posters. You had to cross (or diverge , I can't remember) your eyes and the image would reveal in depth. I thought that was just the coolest thing.
After I created a crowdfunded campaign that let people record stereo video on an iPhone 4, I am back at creating 3d content with depth. First I created a sketch for a rig to hold both camera's stacked vertically:
Then 3D printed that and added bearings for yaw control:
Here's me in the field with the complete rig:
I renamed my Youtube channel "Dutch Magic Lantern" and plan to make more videos in the future. That's all for now!