The Woolf

The Woolf

An exciting journey into making 3d stereo videos (you can watch with red/cyan glasses) on the iPhone!

· 1 minute read

This was one invention that excited me a lot. Somehow a way came to my mind that if you used a particular mirror setup, you can split the camera view kind of like two periscopes to change the point of view matching the inter ocular distance of a human.

This way a 3d video can be recorded and viewed on your iPhone.

The Indiegogo campaign gave me a few backers. I used both 3d printed prototypes and paper do-it-yourself folded models (that didn't work too well). I still have plans to revisit this awesome concept.

A company from the UK was interested to develop this as a gadget for iOS/Android but it was too hard.

3d video
stereoscopic video